Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Silly Arguments over "Secular" Versus "Religious"

In an “open” letter to Prime Minister Najib posted in Malaysiakini.com (July 20, 2007) lawyer Haris Ibrahim chastised the Prime Minister over his declaration that Malaysia is an “Islamic state.”

This is my comment on Haris’s letter. His original communication follows. Kassim Ahmad.

Dear En. Haris Ibrahim:

Peace to you!

Here is my respond to your “Open Letter” to Prime Minister Najib. I will be brief because I have not the time to go into details for now.

My first question is: Why this quarrel between what is secular and what is religious or Islamic? In principle, the values of this world and the hereafter should not be set at odds. They are not contradictory but complementary. (Quran, 2: 201). Although in Verse 67, Surah 8, God recommends attention to the higher values of the hereafter over the values of this lower world.

In this overall context one needs to distinguish clearly what is meant by this world and the hereafter. Clearly this world here refers to materialism per se, while the hereafter refers to the higher world of morality. The two (secularism and true religiosity) need not be contradictory. We need both material wealth and a high state of morality.

Scholars and political philosophers need to study this vexed question in the light of the teachings of true Islam (as opposed to politicized Islam). Especially, they should study Prophet Muhammad’s seminal constitutional-political document, the “Medina Charter.”

Some politicians in our country want to set up a theocratic state in Malaysia, like Iran. This is dangerous because theocracy manipulates the name of God to rationalize and legitimize their theological-political-intellectual dictatorship.

Lastly, as an afterthought, it is highly unfair of you, or for anybody for that matter, to threaten Prime Minister Najib with the terrible curse of God if he does not bring “proof.” This is not a light matter, and no one should trifle with it! The context of this fearful verse refers to the establishment of an extremely important matter of truth and falsehood: the establishment of not an easily seen truth, as the refutation of the Doctrine of the Trinity.

May God bless Malaysia and the good people of Malaysia!

Yours sincerely,

Kassim Ahmad,
1504, Jalan Kulim Height 3,
Kulim Golf & Country Resort.
Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia.
Tel. 604- 4031871/012-4291152.

Haris Ibrahim’s Open Letter.

Open Letter to PM Najib on Islamic State: Bring Forth YOUR Proof?
By Haris Ibrahim

Dear [Prime Minister] Najib:


A Malaysiakini report entitled “This is an Islamic state: Najib” reports that YOU made the following statements:

“Malaysia is an Islamic state and not a secular one. Islam is the official religion and we are an Islamic state. We have NEVER been secular ….”
Like you, I too believe in Islam. And like me, I am sure that YOU know full well that God commands the truth and nothing but the truth. I am therefore first obliged to ask IF YOU DID INDEED make these claims?

If so, let me state categorically that YOUR claims are UNTRUE.
THIS IS THE TRUTH as I discern from the materials that abound.
YOUR late father, according to history, was part of the 1956 delegation that went to London to secure our independence. Truly, this nation is indebted to YOUR late father, the late Tunku and every freedom fighter of the era for securing independence for our nation. And a SECULAR Federal Constitution.


Have YOU not read the Reid Commission report, that document that bears testimony to the selfless work of our leaders of days gone by?
Tun Salleh Abas (former Lord President of the Supreme Court) did, in extenso, in the case of Che Omar Che Soh. I have referred to this in an earlier post entitled “Historical and Constitutional Position of Islam Judicially Examined.”

Let me reproduce for YOU here the relevant excerpt from Tun Salleh's judgment. “…[W]e have to set aside our personal feelings because the law in this country is still what it is today, SECULAR law, where morality NOT accepted by the law is NOT enjoying the status of LAW.

Perhaps that argument should be addressed at other forums or at seminars and, perhaps, to politicians and Parliament. Until the law and the system is changed, we have NO choice but to proceed as we are doing TODAY.”

Do YOU know what Tunku’s view was on this secular / Islamic state issue?
See what Tunku said on the occasion of his 80th birthday as reported by the Star in February, 1983. Tunku said: “The country has a multi-racial population with various beliefs. Malaysia MUST continue as a secular State with Islam as the official religion.”

Tunku was NOT alone.

This is what the Star reported:

“Former Prime Minister Tun Hussein Onn has supported Tunku Abdul Rahman’s view that Malaysia should NOT be turned into an Islamic state …. ‘The nation can still be functional as a SECULAR state with Islam as the official religion,’ he said.”
What were YOU thinking of when YOU made what appear to me to be unfounded claims?
Aside from being untrue, they also amount to a slur on Tunku and Tun Hussein.
These two great statesmen got it wrong?

As one who, like you, professes a belief in Islam, I must ask that you DESIST in these UNFOUNDED contentions.

As you also well know, God in the Holy Qur’an commands that when there is a dispute on an issue, it is proper to call in the evidence of the respective parties.
You say Islamic state. I say secular. I have produced my proof.
“Have you any knowledge with you? If so, bring it forth.” Surah 6 verse 148 of the Holy Qur’an.

Please note that I have refrained from invoking the last part of the verse above. At this juncture, I shall assume you were merely mistaken.

I am obliged to say here that IF YOU insist on continuing to make these assertions without bringing forth your proof, I shall invoke the curse of God as commanded in Surah 3 verse 61 of the Holy Qur’an.


Haris Ibrahim

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Oleh: Kassim Ahmad
11 Ogos, 2010

Kebanyakan orang menghubungkan kekuatan dengan bilangan yang banyak. Pepatah “Bersatu kita kukuh; bercerai kita runtuh” tidak benar dalam semua kes, dan bilangan yang banyak tidak semestinya kuat. Lihat orang Yahudi. Mereka tidak ramai, tetapi mereka kuat dan maju. Dari segi bilangan, China dan India mempunyai penduduk yang teramai dalam dunia, tetapi kedua-duanya tidak boleh mengatasi Amerika Syarikat sekarang. Dari segi bilangan anggota, UMNO, sebagai sebuah parti politik, mempunyai anggota yang teramai, tetapi, seperti yang kita tahu, ia kalah di banyak negeri dalam pilihanraya umum ke-12.

Jadi, di manakah duduknya kekuatan? Quran memberitahu kita bahawa bilangan yang kecil boleh mengalahkan bilangan yang besar dalam peperangan. Pada zaman dulu, kita tahu dari sejarah, seorang pemuda bani Israil bernama Daud mengalahkan seorang wira dan gergasi dari bangsa Filistin bernama Goliat dalam perlawan seorang sama seorang. Malah, Quran memberithau kita bahawa kebenaran kerapkali berada di pihak minoriti. (43: 78) Golongan minoriti yang dimaksudkan oleh Quran itu, termasuk Daud yang mengalahkan Goliat – mereka menang kerana Tuhan berada di pihak mereka. Di sinilahlah letaknya kekuatan, sepertu firman Tuhan: “Kekuatan milik Tuhan sepenuhnya.” ( Quran, 10: 65)

Dari segi realitinya, apakah makna ayat suci di atas? Maknanya, apabila sesuatu bangsa atau kumpulan berpegang kepada dan mengamalkan falsafah yang berpunca dari ajaran Tuhan dalam kitab-kitab sucinya, mereka memiliki kekuatan, walaupun bilangan mereka kecil dibanding dengan bangsa-bangsa atau kumpulan-kumpulan lain.
Mengapakah Amerika Syarikat yang mengistiharkan dirinya merdeka dan bebas dari kekuasaan Britain pada 4 Julai, 1774 (234 tahun dulu) berkembang menjadi kuasa terbesar hari ini? Adakah kerana kebetulan ia mempunyai pasukan bersenjata yang terkuat di dunia? Atau kerana ia mempraktikkan kebenaran Ilahi dalam kehidupan kolektifnya? Sudahkah ia mencapai kemuncaknya dan sekarang sedang menurun dan akan runtuh, seperti empayar-empayar sebelumnya, termasuk empayar-empayar Parsi, Romawi, Arab, dan Inggeris?

Naik-turunnya sesebuah empayar itu suatu cerita besar yang tersendiri. Quran memberitahu kita bahawa apabila sesuatu bangsa atau empayar itu bertindak zalim terhadap rakyatnya atau terhadap bangsa-bangsa lain di bawah kekuasaannya, maka ia akan musnah. Ini undang-undang alam, atau sunnatullah. Tiada siapa boleh mengelaknya. Tuhan berkuasa untuk menggantikan bangsa-bangsa yang zalim dengan bangsa-bangsa lain. Seperti kata pepatah, patah tumbuh, hilang berganti. Tamadun Yunani-Romawi telah digantikan oleh tamadun Arab-Islam, kemudian diambil-alih oleh tamadun Eropah (termasuk Amerika Syarikat), yang sekarang meliputi seluruh dunia. Tamadun ini juga sedang runtuh. Sesetengah penganalisis politik menjangka China akan mengmabil-alih tempat itu. Mengapa tidak umat Islam, yang didakwa oleh mereka sendiri berpegang kepada ajaran Tuhan?

Berbalik kepada Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat, banyak daripada ajaran yang terkandung dalam Quran, mereka yang mengamalkannya, walaupun kebanyakan rakyat mereka beragama Kristian. Contohnya, mereka mengutamakan ilmu pengetahun (sains dan teknologi). Mereka mengamalkan kebebasan berfikir. (Oleh sebab itu ramai sarjana Islam berhijrah ke Eropah atau Amerika.) Mereka mengamalkan pemerintahan yang berdasarkan perundingan, persis seperti yang diajar dalam Quran, sedangkan kebanykan umat Islam hidup di bawah kerajaan-kerajaan yang bersifat autokratik. Mereka mengutamakan kebersihan. Mereka bekerja dengan tekun dan rajin. Oleh sebab itu, negara-negara ini berjaya dan maju, berbeza dengan kebanyakan umat Islam, yang Islamnya lebih pada nama daripada praktik.

Saya telah menulis tentang pentingnya kepimpinan yang baik. Kita memiliki sebuah buku panduan yang terbaik di dunia, iaitu Quran, tetapi, malangnya, kitab itu tertutup bagi kebanyakan orang Islam. Bukan kerana bahasa Quran itu bahasa Arab (kita ada banyak terjemahan Quran dalam bahasa Melayu dan Inggeris yang kita faham). Adat kita melagukan Quran. Maknanya kita tidak tahu, kerana kita tidak membaca dan cuba memahaminya dalam bahasa Melayu atau Inggeris. Akibatnya, kita ikut kitab-kitab lain, selain daripada Quran! Ringkasnya, kita jatuh, kerana Tuhan tidak memilh kasih. Tuhan tidak peduli siapa nama kita, Ahmad, atau Chong, atau Munusamy atau John! Siapa yang praktik ajaran-ajaran-Nya, itulah orang atau bangsa yang Dia tolong.

Sesetengah pemimpin UMNO mendabik dada, kerana ahli-ahli UMNO melebihi tiga juta. Seperti yang telah saya katakan, bilangan ramai tidak penting. Yang penting ialah falsafah perjuangan mereka dan praktik politik mereka. Jika mereka bertindak sebagai golongan oligarki yang menindas rakyat, mereka akan digantikan. Amaran ini telah diberi oeh Tuhan Sendiri. Amaran ini berlaku kepada semua kumpulan dan bangsa. Tiada siapa yang boleh mengelaknya. Dengan itu, Pakatan Rakyat yang telah diberi kuasa di sesetengah negeri dalam Malaysia, jangan sombong. Jangan sekali-kali berlaku zalim. Hari ini kita naik; besok kita boleh jatuh!