By: Kassim Ahmad
26 April, 2017
One high official in the Malacca administration, sensing bad things to
come, said, "Oh gold, God you certainly are not, but what you desire you
get!" It was just before Malacca fell to the Portuguese.
At that time more than 80 nations traded at the port of Malacca, with Malay as the .lingua franca.
Islam came to these parts even earlier. Malacca was greater and prior
to Venice! More than 80 nations must included the whole world. One of
the rulers imitated the second caliph, Omar Ibni Khattab, to patrol the
villages at night when he heard a child crying for lack of something to
eat. He went to the state store-house and carried a sack of flower and
gave it to the parents. This was also done by Iraq's prime minister
Saddam Hussein.
Iraq was later invaded by a group of Western powers, and has since seen no peace.
An Iraqi ambassador, I know, sough asylum in Malaysia.
It is to be noted that Malaya is part of the larger Malay Would consisting of Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Pattani.
Now that the collonial in tnterregnum is over should we not attempt to
seeks again a United Malay World? Rather a Federation of Malay World? It
should not include the Phillipines, since it has been christianised and
and not speaking Malay.
A united federation of Malay world would be that fourth largest country
in the world, and the largest Muslim population. Basing ourselves on
the Prophet's Medinah Charter, we should be able to lead the world to
seek a peaceful and just world without nuclear weapons. There is no
reason we cannot do it, man being given the task of of a khalifah, a
vicegerent of God on Earth.
KASSIM AHMAD is a Malaysia author. His website is<>
By: Kassim Ahmad
26 April, 2017
One high official in the Malacca administration, sensing bad things to
come, said, "Oh gold, God you certainly are not, but what you desire you
get!" It was just before Malacca fell to the Protugees.
At that time more than 80 nations traded at the port of Malacca, with Malay as the .lingua franca.
Islam came to these parts even earlier. Malacca was greater and prior
to Venice! More than 80 nations must included the whole world. One of
the rulers imitated the second caliph, Omar Ibni Khattab, to patrol the
villages at night when he heard a child crying for lack of something to
eat. He went to the state store-house and carried a sack of flower and
gave it to the parents. This was also done by Iraq's prime minister
Saddam Hussein.
Iraq was later invaded by a group of Western powers, and has since seen no peace.
An Iraqi ambassador, I know, sough asylum in Malaysia.
It is to be noted that Malaya is part of the larger Malay Would consisting of Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Pattani.
Now that the collonial in tnterregnum is over should we not attempt to
seeks again a United Malay World? Rather a Federation of Malay World? It
should not include the Phillipines, since it has been christianised and
and not speaking Malay.
A united federation of Malay world would be that fourth largest country
in the world, and the largest Muslim population. Basing ourselves on
the Prophet's Medinah Charter, we should be able to lead the world to
seek a peaceful and just world without nuclear weapons. There is no
reason we cannot do it, man being given the task of of a khalifah, a
vicegerent of God on Earth, to rule and remake the Universe.
Why did not God create a perfect Universe? Because Perfection is God.
There cannot be two.perfections. It would be one god too many!
KASSIM AHMAD is a Malaysia author. His website is<>